Simply 23 of the year’s most memorable ‘Well, that sucks’ moments on Reddit

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It’s been a long 2021 – even longer than 2020, it turned out – and the subReddit ‘well that sucks’ collects moments when things really didn’t go to plan.

And it’s not uncommon, of course, for other people’s misfortune to make your day just a little bit better. If only there was a word for that sort of thing.

And here are 23 of the most memorable moments to be filed under ‘Having a bad day? It could be worse …’

1. ‘In-laws invited us over for dinner; it was a trap’



2. ‘This pillar was straight last week. This is the first floor of a seven-floor building’


3. ‘When you’re working from home and you hit video instead of audio’


4. ‘My boss’s secretary quit this morning after delivering breakfast’


5. ‘I now remember that yesterday I wanted a cool soda’


6. ‘When you live in Svalbard, Norway and forgot to close the window to the home office’


7. ‘A part of Highway 1 fell into the ocean, so a 45 mile drive turned into a 200 mile drive’


8. ‘Been waiting 6 weeks for a rather expensive toilet so we can fit it at a client’s house, it has finally arrived’


9. ‘I took some aspirin when I was tired it was really late at night. I realized an hour later that what I took was not aspirin’


10. ‘Woman gets tattoo about not wearing a mask to pretend being someone you’re not. 2 days before the first Covid-19 case in her state’


11. ‘Sitting here for over an hour waiting to be interviewed’


12. ‘In ten seconds I’m going to discover the value of lifejackets and renter’s insurance’


The post Simply 23 of the year’s most memorable ‘Well, that sucks’ moments on Reddit appeared first on The Poke.

Source: ThePoke