These poppy outlines don’t overlap but it looks like they do and it blew minds

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The more we look at this, the more confused we get, a proper mindblower shared by Redditor SlipperyPockets who said: ‘I drew poppy outlines for my class to cut out – they look like they overlap but don’t.’

It went viral on Reddit a little while back but we’re almost as bamboozled now as we were then.

And this is why.


As interesting as it is infuriating. And fortunately it wasn’t only just us.

‘Stop please I want to get off.’

‘This f-cks with my eyes. Gotta throw the whole eyes away.’

‘Whoa that’s weird.’

‘They’re overlapping when you’re not looking. They can’t be trusted.’

‘This is tripping me out.’


This person’s job was less flexible than advertised and they really didn’t hold back

Source Reddit u/SlipperyPockets

The post These poppy outlines don’t overlap but it looks like they do and it blew minds appeared first on The Poke.

Source: ThePoke