Rep. Jan Schakowsky among several members of Congress arrested at abortion rights protest outside Supreme Court

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CHICAGO (CBS/CNN) — Illinois Congresswoman Jan Schakosky and more than a dozen other Democratic members of Congress were arrested by Capitol Police on Tuesday afternoon, during an abortion rights protest outside the U.S. Supreme Court.

CNN reports the legislators were among dozens of demonstrators wearing green bandanas with the message “Won’t Back Down” as they marched from the U.S. Capitol to the Supreme Court to protest the recent ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, prompting many states to enact severe restrictions, if not outright bans, on abortion.

Shortly after the protesters arrived, police began ordering them to “cease and desist.” Instead, they sat on the street and were arrested one by one as they chanted, “The people, united, will never be divided.”

Schakowsky tweeted a video clip of her being led away by a police officer, writing “Today, I am making good trouble. #bansoffourbodies“.


During the protest, Capitol Police tweeted that protesters were blocking the street, so officers would begin giving three warnings to demonstrators before making arrests for blocking traffic.

Capitol Police later said they had arrested 34 people total, including 16 members of Congress. In addition to Schakowsky, the members of Congress who were arrested included:

  • Assistant Speaker Katherine Clark of Massachusetts
  • Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts
  • Barbara Lee of California
  • Jackie Speier of California
  • Sara Jacobs of California
  • Ilhan Omar of Minnesota
  • Bonnie Watson Coleman of New Jersey
  • Andy Levin of Michigan
  • Rashida Tlaib of Michigan
  • Madeline Dean of Pennsylvania
  • Cori Bush of Missouri
  • Carolyn Maloney of New York
  • Nydia Velazquez of New York
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York
  • Alma Adams of North Carolina

Source: ChicagoCBS