Liz Truss 'Prepared' To Scrap Legal Speed Limit On Roads

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Liz Truss, the frontrunner in the Tory leadership contest, has said she is “prepared” to look at abolishing speed limits.

Taking questions at the final hustings of the campaign on Wednesday evening, the foreign secretary was asked if she would consider scrapping the speed limit.

“On speed limits, again, I’d be prepared to look at that,” she said.

Truss also told the audience of Tory members in London she would “stop” smart motorways.

Smart motorways use hard shoulders as usable lanes and variable speed limits to control the flow of traffic.

“I do believe that the smart motorways experiment hasn’t worked,” Truss said.

Wednesday evening’s event was the last time Truss and rival Rishi Sunak faced party members,

The victor of the race to succeed Boris Johnson will be announced on Monday September 5 and will takeover as prime minister the following day.

Truss also said there would be new taxes or energy rationing if she became PM.

Asked by LBC’s Nick Ferrari whether she would agree to no new taxes as outgoing prime minister Johnson did, Truss said: “Yes, no new taxes.”

And pressed on whether she could rule out energy rationing, Truss replied: “I do rule that out.”

In a break with tradition, the new prime minister will be appointed by the Queen at Balmoral in Scotland rather than Buckingham Palace in London, due to her health.

The news will inevitably heighten concerns about the 96-year-old monarch.

Johnson said arrangements for the handover will be tailored to make sure they suit the Queen.

He sidestepped a question about when he last spoke to her and if he was concerned that she would not be coming to London for the handover.

“I don’t talk about my conversations with the Queen, no prime minister ever does,” Johnson told reporters during a visit to Barrow-in-Furness.

“But I can tell you we will certainly make sure that the arrangements for the handover will fit totally around her and whatever she wants.”

Source: Huff Post