This gamer’s beef that you shouldn’t be allowed to be gay in ‘Ancient Greece’ was a magnificent fail

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Latest in an occasional series, facepalm of the week is surely this, a response to Assassins Creed Valhalla – no, us neither – allowing characters to be gay.

It’s not entirely a new development, but has just gone viral on Reddit because of this gamer’s take that it shouldn’t be allowed because it’s simply historically inaccurate.

Except their argument wasn’t the slam-dunk they presumably thought it was.


And here’s exactly what people made of that after it was shared by FalconLynx13 on Reddit.

‘That’s true, Kratos killing Jesus was my favorite part of the first God of War.’

‘By Zeus, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal saviour!’


To conclude …

‘Homosexuality was accepted in Greece and Rome— and many parts of the ancient world. Sometimes, it was only okay between specific types of men (one being very effeminate). Sometimes it was between a man and a boy (wrap your head around that).

‘Also, the game was set long before Christianity was even a codified religion. Also, it’s a game.’


‘What your winter coat says about you’ is hilariously done and totally on the money

Source Reddit u/FalconLynx13

The post This gamer’s beef that you shouldn’t be allowed to be gay in ‘Ancient Greece’ was a magnificent fail appeared first on The Poke.

Source: ThePoke