The Rise of Artificial Intelligence and the Impact on Employment: Promising Tool or Threat? – SwissCognitive AI Radar

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The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought both opportunities and concerns for the job market. On the one hand, AI has the potential to enhance productivity, efficiency, and innovation in many industries. On the other hand, there are fears that AI will replace human workers, leading to significant job losses and economic disruption.


“The Rise of Artificial Intelligence and the Impact on Employment: Promising Tool or Threat?” – SwissCognitive AI Radar Perspective, Image by johnstocker on Freepik


Recent weeks have seen growing speculation on when machines will replace human employment. This week, SwissCognitive AI Radar compiled articles discussing the impact of Artificial Intelligence on our future of work and how individuals and businesses can and should leverage these new developments.

While some roles are at risk of being automated, technology presents unprecedented opportunities for society. For example, digital humans are being used as chatbots and other interfaces to provide customers with personalized experiences, offering cost advantages in terms of customizability and scalability compared to human employees.

Despite the benefits of AI, concerns remain about its impact on job security and wages. OpenAI’s AI chatbot ChatGPT has caused fear among professionals as it is able to perform a variety of jobs, such as writing articles, codes, and poetry. However, ChatGPT has recently provided a list of jobs that will never be replaced by artificial intelligence due to their strong human elements.

AI is increasingly being used for writing, hiring, and optimizing insurance claims, among other things, and with these capabilities, it has the potential to improve job efficiency significantly and, in some cases, cause a number of positions to become obsolete.

While some experts argue that AI could lead to employment competition, history shows that if jobs are lost, new ones will be created in their place. It is crucial for companies to use AI to enhance employee efficiency while helping them reskill and upskill for the changes ahead.

We can ask ourselves, ‘What can we do to help ourselves?’ And the answer is: Become knowledgeable about this rapidly-evolving technology. There are several AI courses available that can equip individuals with the skills needed to succeed in an increasingly technology-supported job market.

One thing is sure: The impact of AI on the employment market is a complex issue, and its full implications are yet to come.

Read more about the mentioned topics in our specially-selected collection.


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Source: SwissCognitive