Tory Civil War Erupts After Senior Peer Calls For Devolution To Be Put ‘Into Reverse’

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Lord Frost negotiated Boris Johnson's now-scrapped Brexit deal.
Lord Frost negotiated Boris Johnson’s now-scrapped Brexit deal.

A Tory peer has sparked a furious backlash after calling for devolution to be put “into reverse”.

Lord Frost was condemned by several politicians from his own party over the comments, which he made in his Daily Telegraph column.

The former minister, who negotiated Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal, said the SNP’s “implosion” provided an opportunity to re-visit the devolution settlements which created the Scottish and Welsh Parliaments.

He said: “Ministers should make it clear that, if re-elected, they will review and roll back some currently devolved powers.”

But his views were swiftly condemned by Conservative members of the Scottish Parliament.

Central Scotland MSP Stephen Kerr said he “strongly disagreed” with Frost’s article.

He said: “Devolution works. It’s the SNP that are failing.” 

Another Tory MSP Murdo Fraser, said: “This is nonsense. Devolution has allowed us to shine a light on SNP failures. The Conservatives will not be rolling it back.”

Donald Cameron, the Conservative MSP for the Highlands and Islands, accused Lord Frost of talking “a load of baloney”.

He added: “Devolution hasn’t failed and no Conservative should want to reverse it.”

But SNP politicians said Lord Frost had given the game away about the Tories’ true intentions.