Teen’s family speaks after teacher sacked over alleged sexual abuse

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The parents of a boy, who claim he was sexually abused by his high school teacher, have contacted the NSW police minister hoping the case will be reopened.

Cherina and Rob Gray from the state's north-west said they want fresh eyes on the police investigation and have emailed Police Minister Yasmin Catley's office requesting an urgent meeting.

It comes after the Department of Education yesterday sacked teacher Annabel Doust.

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Dean Gray.


The former principal's name has also been placed on the department's not-to-be-employed list after its investigation found she crossed professional boundaries with Dean Gray when he was a 17-year-old student at Narrabri High School and engaged in a sexual relationship with him in 2013.

"Justice has almost been served," according to Dean's parents.

Mr Gray told 9News: "It's not really a win because we still have a lot to process over time and there are still a lot of unanswered questions."

Annabel Doust.

Dean's grieving mother Cherina said: "We'd like to see it (the police investigation) reopened because the education department has actually confirmed or verified that they identify a sexual relationship's taken place."

It has been seven long, painful years since they first complained to the Education Department and NSW Police and it's taken its toll.

"I don't think any family should have to go through what we went through," they said.

Dean Gray's parents.

In 2021, the Gray family was struck by tragedy when Dean drowned in the Namoi River while on a camping trip with friends.

Then came more incomprehensible pain. 

Cherina stumbled upon thousands of old messages on his Facebook account from the teacher, who was 49 at the time. Dean was 17.

The messages confirmed what they had suspected for years.

"It's been traumatising for Cherina because she's done all the groundwork," Mr Gray said.

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Dean Gray.

The exchanges online included the following:

"Hey there  – I just marked multiple choice. U & a couple of others got 11/15 & that was the top score so great start," the teacher wrote.

"It comes as no surprise to me that all the girls would like you. I'm so jealous they can just call you and say 'come over'."

"I'm not interested in any of them. Only you," Dean replied.

"I so love you," the teacher said.

"Your (sic) my girl," Dean said.

"Yes I am," the teacher said.

"Miss?" Dean asked.

"But don't u think that makes me sound a bit paedophily (sic)?" the teacher said.

"Marry me?" Dean asked.

"Ok. when I get out of jail for corrupting you," the teacher said.

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Dean Gray.

No criminal charges have ever been laid against Doust, nor is she facing any. 

Dean's parents also now want her banned from all schools – public and private.

The Department of Education said the safety and welfare of children and young people is of paramount concern and it has robust policies and procedures in place for their care and protection.

The department also confirmed an initial investigation by their Professional and Ethical Standards Directorate started in December 2016 and concluded in May 2018.

Appropriate action was taken in line with available information.

A second investigation started in April 2022 when new evidence was presented and has now concluded.