Trump Bakes A Loaf Of Nonsense With Bizarre Remarks About Grocery Store Purchases

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Former President Donald Trump declared that people need identification to purchase groceries as he repeated a wild claim he’s pushed at past rallies on Friday.

“You have voter ID to buy a loaf of bread, you have ID to buy a loaf of bread,” said Trump as he argued that Democrats are “desperate” to stop his movement in remarks at the Concerned Women for America Summit in Washington, D.C.

Trump previously dropped the claim that “you need a picture on a card” or ID to buy groceries during a rally for his now-GOP rival and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in 2018. He’s since repeated the grocery store claim including one instance where he said there’s an ID requirement for cereal purchases.

The former president also received pushback for another food market claim when he said grocery stores would “work along” with federal employees amid the 2019 partial government shutdown.

“Local people know who they are when they go for groceries and everything else… and that’s what happens in times like this – they know the people, they’ve been dealing with them for years and they work along,” he said at the time.

Social media users mocked the former president’s latest grocery remarks, quipping that they got “carded for pumpernickel” the other day.