Biography of the late Dr. Johnson Addo

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Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.” Rev. 14:13

Early Life

The late Dr. Johnson Addo, affectionately called Dr. Addo, was born on January 21, 1952, to Mr. F. C. Addo and Madam Diana Nyarkoa Addo of Boso, both of blessed memory at Abamkrom in the West Akim District of the Eastern Region of Ghana.

Dr Addo grew up in a large family of eleven children, being the fifth child.

Education & Career

Dr. Addo started his schooling at the Methodist Primary School at Abamkrom and later to the Presbyterian Boys School from 1963 to 1965.

Dr. Johnson Addo attended Prempeh College between 1965 and 1972 pursuing his School Certificate O & A Level education. 

After successful completion of the A level, he was admitted into the University of Ghana Medical School where he studied Medicine for seven (7) years. 

The rigorousness of the medical school system in Ghana at the time only sought to strengthen his resolve to become one of Ghana’s finest medical practitioners; an aspiration that was realized in 1978 when he successfully graduated. Dr. Addo did well to embellish his degree with further foreign certifications from the University of Tokyo, Japan, and the National Institute of Procedures, Chicago, USA.

His first station after his ‘housemanship’ was Ashanti Mampong, where he spent two years before traveling to Nigeria to pursue greener pastures. He dedicated six (6) years of his prime working life in Nigeria at a private hospital owned by Dr. Fagbewesa, as a Medical Director.

Upon his return to Ghana, he settled in Tema and worked with Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority and Tema General Hospital between 1988 to 1991 and 1987 to 1988 respectively.

In his pursuit of a more challenging opportunity, he proceeded to work with SSNIT Clinic (in Tema Community 2), from 1991 to 1999. Considering the massive grace and favor surrounding Dr. Addo throughout his career up until that point, it was no surprise there was a mass patient overload for his services within the SSNIT Clinic.

In the year 1999, Dr. Addo finally decided to venture into private practice upon advice from his medical head considering the situation. In what could best be described as a confluence of faith and opportunity, he set up his medical facility in 1999, the Raphal Medical Centre community 1 around TDC barely four (4) months post his departure from Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) clinic. This first branch experienced steady growth and within a few years, a second branch was opened at community 10, now the Raphal Medical Centre Annex on 15th March 2006, which has attained the status of a fully-fledged Hospital. The Medical Centre is a multi-specialty hospital that prides itself in expedient and effective health service delivery with amazingly competent and experienced healthcare professionals.

It is at this facility that Dr. Addo’s philanthropy became fully manifest, as he took care of the medical needs of many orphans and street children without taking a dime, and also waived the bills of pregnant women who could not afford the cost of their treatment. 

Christian Life & Service

Despite being born, baptized and confirmed in the Presbyterian Church, Dr. Addo converted to the Church of Pentecost in March of 1986 and joined the Community 12 Assembly of the Church of Pentecost in Tema. His earnest quest to serve inspired his appointment as an Assistant PENTYEM Leader and later ordained as an Elder. 

He was subsequently transferred to PIWC, Tema as the Presiding Elder in 1999, taking over from the now Pastor Sackey. Dr. Addo is to date, the longest-ever serving Presiding Elder at PIWC, Tema given his eleven (11) year tenure, spanning 3 different District Pastors of PIWC, Tema.

During this period, he handled the responsibility of being a co-opted member of all the ministries, as well as multitasking membership positions within the Regional Ministerial Committee, Area Executive Committee, and District Ministerial Committee. He also served as the District Secretary during this period. Not too long down the line, the grace that has found him before found him again—as Dr. Addo was elevated into a trusteeship position of the Church of Pentecost Worldwide in 2018.

Notable amongst Dr. Addo’s achievements in these roles in the Church, are his numerous donations – all covered in the PIWC Tema, District, and Tema Area annual reports, his role as a key financier for numerous projects undertaken by the Church, as well as the completion and dedication of the PIWC Tema, Church auditorium during his tenure. 

Despite his very busy schedule as a medical practitioner, Dr. Addo still made time to be regular at all church programmes – including evening services, naming ceremonies, funerals, etc. 

He is also illustrious for his organization of free health screening exercises for the public, especially during PEMEM week events, embodying the scripture in Hebrews 13:16, utilizing his expertise in his career for the benefit of the community. These, and many others, have hallmarked his name within the PIWC, Tema, the Tema Area, and indeed the entire Church of Pentecost as a selfless individual, passionate about furthering the cause of Jesus Christ in action-backed words.

Social Life

Perhaps influenced by his calm and calculated demeanor, Dr. Addo developed a special love for board games; particularly, chess and scrabble.  In spite of his rather busy schedule, Dr. Addo still found time to play these games, especially table tennis, a game he picked up in his childhood days.

To the extent that his rather busy life could permit, he was active in the activities of his Prempeh College Old Boys and also frequently engaged his Medical School colleagues.

As the strength of youth waned and the years brought with them a wealth of experience, Dr. Addo discovered solace and joy in the quieter moments of life. One of his favourite pastimes was to immerse himself in the captivating world of documentaries, featuring the mesmerizing lives of animals. He found the connection with the natural world, marveling at the intricate ecosystems and the remarkable behaviours of creatures big and small.

But it wasn’t just the animal kingdom that captivated his imagination. Dr. Addo was equally fascinated by the soaring dreams of aviation. Anything related to airplanes held a special place in his heart. The graceful dance of planes in the sky and the boundless possibilities they represented fueled his spirit and stirred his curiosity.

These dual passions, for the untamed wilderness and the boundless skies, would become a source of inspiration and a reflection of the multifaceted brilliance that defined Dr. Addo’s character. 

Marriage and Family Life

Dr. Addo was married to his sweetheart, the then Ms. Diana Adarkwah now Mrs. Diana Adarkwah Addo in 1978 with whom he had 3 children – Professor Alex Johnson Addo, Mrs. Belinda Addo Asante-Amankwa, and Mr. Justice Maklean Addo. He was also blessed with three adorable granddaughters and two energetic grandsons.

Home Call

Dr. Addo was a vibrant force of life, radiating with passion for both his profession and personal well-being. As a dedicated medical doctor, he held the unwavering commitment to his health and spared no expense in seeking top-notch medical care, whether within the borders of Ghana or overseas, whenever he faced health challenges.

However, the fateful day of August 9, 2023, saw him admitted to his own facility, the Raphal Medical Centre after a severe bout of illness and was later transferred to the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital. Over the following days, the medical professionals tirelessly and ceaselessly toiled to restore his health, bolstered by the fervent prayers of the Apostles and Pastors of the Church of Pentecost as well as the PIWC, Tema Congregation. The atmosphere was filled with hope, faith and an overwhelming desire to see Dr. Addo recover.

But as fate will have it, on September 9, 2023, the devastating news rang out like a thunderclap: Dr. Addo had been called to his eternal rest. The family in the wake of this heart-wrenching loss, is engulfed by a tempest of emotions, aching with sorrow, and struggling to come to terms with the void left behind.

In the wake of his passing, the family mourns not only the loss of a remarkable medical practitioner but also one of their most formidable pillars.

Fare thee well, Elder.

Deele Doctor

Rest in Peace