Drew Barrymore Accidentally Left Her ‘Sex List’ Of People She’s Slept With Somewhere Unfortunate

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Drew Barrymore and Danny DeVito.
Drew Barrymore and Danny DeVito.

Drew Barrymore has revealed she once made an X-rated blunder while visiting Danny DeVito’s house.

On Wednesday’s episode of The Drew Barrymore Showthe talk show host reflected on a story by British outlet The Independent about millennial women keeping lists on their phones of people they’ve had sex with.

The Charlie’s Angels star was all too eager to share her experience on the matter with her co-host, Ross Mathews, and their news desk guests.

“I made a list. It was back in the day,” she said. “I did it with paper and pen. I’m the most disorganised person, I lose everything. I left it at someone’s house.”

Drew went on to reveal that the person was none other than Danny DeVito, with whom she was co-starring in the 2003 film Duplex at the time of her faux pas

She said she wrote her list, which contained the first and last names of her ex-partners, on the back of some notes about the film, only to lose track of it in the Matilda star’s abode. 

Drew said she ultimately “did admit” Danny DeVito that she lost her “sex list” at his house after he appeared on her talk show. 

“He came on the show, and I was like, ‘I left my sex list at your house,’” she said. 

It turns out she had nothing to worry about after Danny made light of the awkward slip-up while stopping by Drew’s show in September 2022. 

After asking the Batman Returns star if he ever stumbled across her list, he joked: “As a matter of fact, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about this. Some of the names on that … I made a copy of it, and it’s going to be in my autobiography.”

“No, I never came across it,” he admitted. “I never saw it. Your secret is safe with me.”