Students scared after ‘Jew die’ threat sprayed on school fence

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The principal of Melbourne's biggest Jewish school says his students are terrified after a death threat was sprayed across its fence.

Jewish leaders say they're experiencing the worst antisemitism in decades and the government needs to step in.

The statement, "Jew die", was sprayed across the entrance of Mount Scopus Memorial College late on Friday night.

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School principal Dan Sztrajt was notified early on Saturday.

"What's happened here is a product of the massive rise in antisemitism we've seen across Australia over the last few months," he said.

Sztrajt said his students no longer felt safe and the school had to increase its security.

Jewish Community Council of Victoria president Philip Zajac condemned the graffiti.

"It's [not] acceptable to have hatred being used as a way of terrorising school children," he said.

"This school was set up 75 years ago by Holocaust survivors, and their intention was to create a school that was safe for Jewish people, and unfortunately, that's as true now as it was 75 years ago."

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A police investigation is underway.

Last year the public display of the swastika and the Nazi salute was outlawed.

But Jewish leaders want the government to do more.

"Sadly I think it continues to go on because the government are not being strong enough, are not doing anything to try and stamp it out," Zajac said

Premier Jacinta Allen also condemned the threat.

"The biggest victims of anti-Semitism are children," she said, in a post on X, formerly Twitter.

"This is unacceptable in any community, in any school – anywhere.

"Sending strength to Scopus and the whole community."