I got pregnant by my Tinder date and then found out he’s MARRIED – our kids are in the same year, but it got worse

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A MUM has taken to Mumsnet to reveal that she got pregnant by her Tinder date who, it turns out, is actually married.

In the controversial post, the mum-to-be revealed she met a man on a dating app last September.


The pregnant woman also has a young daughter[/caption]


The woman tried to contact the man to tell her she was pregnant, but he ignored her[/caption]

They “hit it off, had several dates” and then they stopped dating.

She “didn’t think anything more of it- until come February”, when she found out she was pregnant.

The concerned woman explained: “[I] tried to contact the guy – [but] he had changed his number.”

When dating, she had been to his house, so she tried visiting the address, only to find out it was an Air BnB he had rented for the occasion.

“I literally had no other way to contact him so I carried on and decided to do it alone,” she revealed.

A few months later she received a Facebook message from the wife of her Tinder date.

She said: “I asked her if we could meet for coffee as we needed to talk, insisted I knew nothing about her existence (which I didn’t) but we needed to talk.”

When the two women finally met, it turned out their kids were in the same class together at school.

Meaning she had slept with one of the school mum’s husbands.

The wife was “upset” when she told her about her pregnancy.

But the situation got worse a couple of days later when the woman got a call from her daughter’s school saying she was being bullied.

The Mumsnet post read: “I, my ex and the bully’s parents were called into the school – and yep, you guessed it. It was him and his wife.

“My daughter was distraught, stayed with her dad for a while and came back just over a week ago.

“We are hardly talking still.”

She added her ‘baby daddy’ has since contacted her and said he wants to be in his child’s life.

She respects this and added: “What I can’t respect though is the fact his wife told their son and he and others have chosen to bully my daughter over it – me and her Dad are considering, again, moving her schools next year and talking about homeschooling.”

The distraught woman explained the father of her baby has said he is “going to contract a solicitor” and is “looking into joint custody”.

He told his wife about me being pregnant.

Mumsnet user

She added that: “He hasn’t made an effort until recently (I suspect his wife told him straight away. He certainly knew when we were called into the school).

“He hasn’t offered to attend a single appointment or offered a single penny towards the various baby [stuff] that’s currently cluttering my spare room.

“Plus I just think it’s f****d that he still lives with his wife and wants to take a child that was made from the result of his affair into their home?!

“She doesn’t want anything to do with me but he tells me she is OK with it and I just can’t see that being true.”

The concerned mum-to-be wanted to know if she was being unreasonable and got many replies.

One said: “You took a risk by having a child with a man you don’t really know.

“Barring egregious behaviour, he is able to petition the court for parenting time.

It’s also possible that he will disappear just as quickly as he reappeared in your life.

Mumsnet commenter

“His marriage is bound to be undergoing intense strain and your shared child will be a constant reminder of their problems.

“Many men abandon their children in similar circumstances.”

A second added: “You have no choice. You decided to keep his baby and under UK law that baby has a right to a family life and to know its father.

“The courts won’t stop him from having significant contact with his child because he’s in a long term relationship in a secure home.”

While a third said: “I would be concerned about their son and what would happen to your baby.

“If he bullies your daughter he might harm your baby! And his wife might want to harm your baby too!

“Wow you’re in a right pickle. I would pursue the bullying at school and get police involved have statements and documentation. Supervised visits is much better.”

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