Portable: Where do we draw the line?

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Portable is no stranger to the news. For one reason or the other, he finds his way to our screens. Like it or not, he’s a topic in our mouths almost daily.

Though more of the conversations around him are centred on his misbehaviours rather than his music, we do not complain. In an industry where your ‘white always has to be clean’, Portable rocks the stage with a severely stained garment, and we applaud him for it.

Recently, videos surfaced on the internet where Portable slapped a pastor for coming to preach at his bar. He accused the man of implying that he did not know how to communicate with God and delivered a resounding slap to the face of the preacher.

He chastised him, warning him not to step foot on his land and practically drove him out of his temple, as Jesus did to those buying and selling in the past.

He also had a trending interview where he spoke about his trip to the UK, his encounter with Davido and Zlatan ( who he personified as the devil). While making allegations upon speculations, he made sure to be seen as the victim in the entire process.


Portable received a lot of backlash on social media, particularly for slapping a pastor, but the question really is where do we draw the line? How long before we draw lines and set repercussions? What is acceptable as a society and when are we going to be cautious of the people we empower as a society?

One begins to wonder, does he do these things intentionally to get into the media and trend? Is this just how he is or is he operating on one of the best relevant tactics we have seen in a while? What’s his endgame? Who can call him to order?

Ask anyone to list ten different times Portable has gone rogue and trended on social media and they can do so easily but to name 7 hit songs, you start to stop and think. Are these things even worth having someone constitute a societal disturbance at every given opportunity? Are we going to draw a line for characters like Portable? If we are, then when?

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