Preston photographer takes city down memory lane with selection of 1980s pictures

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A view from the city’s former Indoor Market Pic: Paul Melling

A Preston photographer has been taking the city back to the early 1980s with some undiscovered photographs.

Paul Melling, who has contributed photos to Blog Preston for many years, was having a rummage when he found some old pictures taken.

In the scenes including Preston Bus Station, views across to Church Street, the city’s railway station and Market, it’s brought memories flooding back in the Preston Past and Preston Facebook group.

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Paul says he thinks the pictures are taken between 1980 and 1984.

Highlighted in the pictures includes a particularly cold winter snap and when the St George’s Shopping Centre didn’t used to have a roof on it.

He also has a number of pictures taken in and around the Plungington area of the city too.

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