Montrealers busted the city’s most common stereotypes and the results are hilarious

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Complicated language politics, brutal winters, endless potholes, and a religious devotion to hockey. These are just a few things that come to mind when people think of Montreal.

But how much of that is accurate? Well, only the ones who call this place home can really say for sure.

With that in mind, we recently asked MTL Blog’s social media followers a straightforward question: “What’s a stereotype about Montreal you know is simply not true?”

Those who responded did not disappoint as they tried to dispel general misconceptions visitors (or other Canadians) may have about the island.

Others, though, took the chance to give Montreal a proper roast and stir up a debate in the process.

Whether you agree with them or not, here’s a look at seven of the most popular answers from our readers.

The nightlife is good

Nicknamed “Sin City” and “Paris of the North” during the early 20th century, many Americans flocked to Montreal to get their kicks — especially during prohibition. Since then, Montreal has been consistently highlighted for having a vibrant nightlife scene.

But many locals don’t see it that way, arguing that the glory days of the Montreal party scene are long gone.

“It was in the late 70s up till the 90s,” one user wrote in response to someone calling Montreal’s vibrant nightlife scene a false stereotype.

“It’s overpriced!” another chimed in.

According to the third annual edition of Uber Canada’s Nightlife Index, released in October of 2024, Montreal doesn’t even crack the top 10 party cities in Canada for 2024. Ouch.

Schwartz’s has the best smoked meat

Montrealers take their smoked meat seriously, and when it comes to attracting tourists, Schwartz’s Deli reigns supreme with its iconic sandwiches and never-ending lineups.

However, not everyone agrees that Schwartz’s product is miles ahead of the competition, with one comment claiming its legendary status is more hype than substance.

Before folks could chew on that, though, the debate took a turn, and the conversation transitioned into another classic Montreal rivalry: Fairmount vs. St-Viateur bagels.

People live in the underground city

This one came up a lot when we asked locals about the city’s biggest tourist traps.

Apparently, some tourists arrive here believing that Montrealers live in underground city tunnels during the cold winter months. In reality, it’s more of a giant shopping mall connected through Metro stations.

“The tourism industry here has given our ‘underground city’ an almost mythical status that I find laughable – and somewhat dishonest,” one local explained. “I think it would be much more accurate to refer to it as the underground/indoor PART of our city, but that has a far less glamorous/romantic/exciting ring to it.”

“I’m not sure what PR firm got the job to promote the ‘underground city’ to tourists, but they oversold it,” another noted.

For anyone who’s still confused, yes, we do see the light of day — even when it’s freezing outside.

Montrealers only speak French

The confusion around this one is understandable.

Montreal sits in a unique position as a predominantly French-speaking city within a francophone province that enforces strict language laws, yet it exists in an otherwise anglophone country.

Nevertheless, despite what the street signs say, both languages (along with plenty others) are widely spoken throughout the island.

“It’s actually very bilingual and most people are bilingual,” someone wrote.

“I have lived here nearly all my life and only speak English,” another Montrealer shared. “No problems.”

A lot of people smoke

Perhaps it’s due to the city’s French influence or abundance of terrasses (which you cannot actually smoke on), but many people seem to carry the notion that the bulk of Montrealers smoke cigarettes.

In reality, Quebec doesn’t even crack the top three for provinces with the highest smoking rates.

As per a 2022 report from Statista, the provinces with the highest share of the population that were current smokers were New Brunswick, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan.

Montreal rent is cheap

Montreal has long been considered a city where starving artists and students on a budget could thrive, but that’s not really the case anymore.

While it’s still way cheaper than Toronto or Vancouver, as many commenters pointed out, the city’s reputation for affordable rent is now just a false stereotype.

According to Zumper’s January 2025 Canadian Rent Report, Montreal is the 11th most expensive Canadian city in whichto rent an apartment, with the average one-bedroom unit going for $1,750.

The construction is temporary

The constant construction in this city has become a long-running joke among locals. And anyone that calls Montreal home can confirm that it’s probably not stopping anytime soon.

If your first visit to Montreal includes plenty of “Rue Barrée” signs and orange cones, just consider it part of the scenery.