One serving of potato chips contains about 140 milligrams of sodium … but one serving is only 11 chips. How many
Category: Health
The Biggest Early Warning Signs Of A COVID-19 Infection Now
The first signs of a COVID-19 infection vary from person to person. We’re still very much in the throes of
Use Mouthwash Day And Night? We’ve Got Grim News For You
When it comes to dental hygiene, I thought I had it nailed. The brushing teeth, scraping tongue, water flosser, mouthwash

Future-Proofing Tech With Global AI Investments – SwissCognitive AI Investment Radar
Welcome back to our section where technology meets investments – the SwissCognitive AI Investment Radar. We’re charting a course through
Satchet Alcohol Ban: NAFDAC’s Narrative That We’re Placing Profit Over Health Is Cheap Blackmail, Say Nigerian Manufacturers
“I don’t believe that the health of the people will be helped if you impose this ban, as a matter of fact, you will endanger it.”
The post Satchet Alcohol Ban: NAFDAC’s Narrative That We’re Placing Profit Over Health Is Cheap Blackmail, Say Nigerian Manufacturers appeared first on Arise News.

The Lord Of The Indexes: The AI Readiness Index
How ready are we for a successful first step towards AI, and what are the solid foundations for it?

Why The Future Of AI Has To Be Sustainable
Andreas Welsch asks Mark Minevich about AI’s pivotal role in achieving a sustainable human-centric progres beyond efficiency and productivity.
Straight Folk – You Seriously Need To Start Talking About HIV
Seamless pattern of opened contraceptives for men While we may think that, at this point, we know all there is
The One Thing You Should Be Doing After A Big Meal To Improve Your Health
Is there anything more satisfying than the feeling after a big meal? You’re full, you’re a little sleepy, and you’re
The Red Flag Signs Your Baby Is Suffering From Silent Reflux
After becoming a parent, I quickly learnt that there are a lot of things I’ve never known about babies. As