People’s minds are blown by this next-level Rubik’s cube solution

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People’s minds are blown by this next-level Rubik’s cube solution

Since it was unleashed on the world by its inventor Ernő Rubik in 1980, the Rubik’s cube puzzle has seen people’s mastery go from impressive to awe-inspiring.

It isn’t enough to solve it, these days, unless you have your eyes closed, you’re juggling a few of them, or you can solve a couple of dozen in under a minute.

This clever guy ticks the eyes closed and speed boxes, but he does something a bit different.

Watch and wonder.

Redditors were blown away.

That’s one of the most unbelievable thing’s ive ever seen. I’ ve got a Rubix Cube from 1988 and i’ve still not solved it.

Why doesn’t he use his powers for good instead of evil? It’s evil to blow my mind.

Burn him, he’s a witch.

Me trying to solve one side for 3 hours.

I enjoyed it much more than any other Rubik’s Cube challenge.

Man, I can’t even turn the things properly with out them jamming up, do they have prograde ones with bearings or something?

This being the internet, some people came into the comments with the ‘It’s not that hard’ takes.

When he is looking at the mixed cube, he is determining all the moves needed to solve it. Then on the solved cube he just does those moves in reverse order. So he just has to memorize the list of moves and do it in reverse order.

Other Redditors came to the Rubik’s master’s defence.

That is exactly how it works, but I don’t think the word ‘just’ is justified here… lol.

It’s the same thing as speed solving. He solves the cube, memorized the move list, then reverses the order of the moves.

Basically read 011000011101010101100110 once then repeat it back to me.

u/Tipper92 put it into perspective.

A receptionist on the phone asked for my last name the other day and it took me 6 whole seconds to remember what my name was.

Then there’s this guy.


The world’s largest Rubik’s cube comes to a sad, sudden end

Source r/unexpected Image Screengrab

The post People’s minds are blown by this next-level Rubik’s cube solution appeared first on The Poke.