These pigs uplugging the vacuum because they don’t like the sound is oink-redible stuff

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If you only watch one funny pig video this week – what are the chances of watching more than one? – then make it this one.

It’s a video of these pigs who really, really don’t like the sound the vacuum cleaner makes. So they do this.

Oinkredible stuff.

‘These pigs are anti-vacs.’

‘This is the type of video my mother would send me and ask why I was never this bright when I was a lad.’

‘Overall pigs are smarter than dogs. And are actually really social.’

‘How cute, my pigs definitely don’t do that lol. They however will wait by the bathroom door for showers around 7 at night.’

‘Nature abhors a vacuum.’


Simply 30 fabulous examples of ‘Awful Taste But Great Execution’

Source Reddit u/iBleeedorange

The post These pigs uplugging the vacuum because they don’t like the sound is oink-redible stuff appeared first on The Poke.

Source: ThePoke