Notwithstanding the maturity levels of AI deployment, companies need to prioritise building trust amongst stakeholders such as customers, regulators, and governments to achieve scale.
Various studies show that AI adoption is nearing a tipping point and would shortly become a ubiquitous technology. Almost one-third of IT professionals in a global survey by IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV) said their company was using AI, even as half of them revealed their companies were exploring the technology.
In India, over half of Indian IT professionals reported that their companies had accelerated the roll out of AI. As Artificial Intelligence adoption rises, what is the roadmap that companies should consider, particularly those who are either evaluating adoption or have not yet achieved maturity in deployment?
Before unravelling the game plan, it is crucial to understand the factors driving AI adoption by companies from varied sectors.
Also Read: Three ways AI can help transform businesses
What is driving sustained AI adoption?
Companies are adopting AI to improve customer engagement and service through natural language processing (NLP) tools. Considering they collate vast amounts of unstructured language data from customer emails, reviews, and social media posts, they are looking to identify insights from such data to enhance customer experience and prevent problems even before they happen.
With NLP, they can differentiate themselves from the competition, ring fence their reputation and create more cross and up-selling opportunities.
Moreover, the rise of intelligent automation is also pushing AI adoption. Today, innovation-led companies are infusing automation with Artificial Intelligence for enterprise-wide deployment so computers can make complex and mission-critical decisions themselves with the limited intervention of human agents. In the COVID-19 era, companies need real-time insights so their operations can be dynamic, responsive, and interconnected to their work flows and the ecosystem.
Intelligent automation can catalyse innovation, enhance customer experience and efficiencies and save costs by transforming business processes into intelligent workflows. […]
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Source: SwissCognitive