Ian Hislop’s takedown of MPs over their own register of interests was magnificently done

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Ian Hislop took on MPs on the House of Commons standards select committee today and it was just as brilliant as you’d expect.

The Private Eye editor denounced the lobbying culture of MPs and said standards in public life were ‘very depressing’.

Hislop and his Private Eye colleague Richard Brooks, who was also giving evidence, turned the spotlight on the committee by coming armed with various interests and gifts that have been declared by the MPs questioning them.

And it’s the most satisfying four minutes you’ll watch today.


Here he is again in another clip that went viral from today’s session.

And here are just a few of the things people were saying about Hislop today.

And just in case you were wondering, you can subscribe to Private Eye over here.


Ian Hislop owning Priti Patel on Question Time has gone viral all over again and it’s breathtaking stuff

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Source: ThePoke