Titanic is even better …with a cat

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Tibo Charroppin – a Senior Animation Director and Video Editor – has added a little something special to Titanic, and it’s his gorgeous cat, Lizzy. Perhaps it should be Kitanic.

While Tibo’s name might not ring any bells for you, the name he works under when he posts his brilliant edits will undoubtedly be a lot more familiar. It’s OwlKitty.

Watch what Lizzy’s presence does for Titanic.

Lizzy would have let Jack get on the door.

OwlKitty posted the clip to Twitter, just in time for Galentine’s Day, Valentine’s Day and Singles Awareness Day.

People loved it more than Rose loved Jack – and we’re right back at the door thing again.

Somebody had to say it.


This brilliant Indiana Jones parody nails every cat owner’s dilemma

Source OwlKitty Image Screengrab

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Source: ThePoke