This woman ditched a date over his choice of restaurant and got entirely the response she deserved

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Leading contender for takedown of the week is this, an exchange which has just gone viral after it was shared by beerbellybegone over on Reddit.

It’s a woman who ditched a date because of the restaurant they suggest they go to, and took particular pleasure in sharing why on Facebook.

And we’re very glad she did because she got entirely the response she deserved.



‘Owning stocks is a weird flex this day and age where pretty much anyone could do so if they wanted. So is bragging about owning a BMW since people spend their money in different ways. Congrats I guess.’

‘Honestly, this seems like the kind of thing a secretly rich person would do, to weed out gold diggers. Take them somewhere cheap, to see if they’re just after you for your money.

‘If I gave a shit about dating, or had any money, that’s what I’d do …’

‘I remember an old episode of Blind Date from the early aughts, guy didn’t want to say he was a multimillionaire who owned a chain of grocery stores, so he said he managed a grocery store. She was immediately turned off.

‘As the night went on and she got drunker, she started openly mocking him, and he ended up walking out of the date while she screamed “bag boy!!” after him off a balcony.

‘I think about her a lot and really, REALLY hope she had a viewing party with her friends when the episode aired.’


This Brit’s takedown of an American anti-vaxxer is a proper hall of famer

Source Reddit u/beerbellybegone Images Reddit, Facebook

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Source: ThePoke