Voucher Card App

Shop local stay loyal

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If you are someone who regularly patronizes corner shops in your locality and you get frustrated occasionally due to network unavailability when you are making payment, then continue reading this article.

If any of these phrases sound familiar, then it’s time to change the narrative. Phrases like “I don’t have change”, “Please come back tomorrow” and “I don’t have cash” are common in Africa.

Voucher Card app is an Android application that allows you (the customer) to deposit any amount of money at your local corner shop and get a voucher of the equivalent amount on your app.

The QR code on your app will show the amount you’ve deposited at the specific shop and you can use that as a means of payment anytime you want to pay for your groceries without having to worry about network availability on a POS (Point-of-sale) machine.

Voucher Card App


  1. It allows you (the customer) to shop conveniently at your trusted corner shop without carrying your debit cards around.
  2. It helps the vendor to build a loyal customer base and liquidity that will obviously grow your business over time.
  3. The convenience, speed and secured manner of accepting/making payment on this app are unmatched.

What are you waiting for?

Download the app today and ask your popular corner shop owner to do the same as you shop conveniently.

This app is currently being used in over 50 countries (including one of the Asian tigers)