23 next-level facepalms from the ‘gallery of inexplicable stupidity’ on Reddit

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The corner of Reddit called ‘facepalm’ describes itself as ‘a gallery of inexplicable stupidity … a subreddit for you to share the stupidity of individuals online and in real life’.

And if that gallery was to put on an exhibition of the very greatest facepalms, these would surely be in it.

1. ‘They’re Everywhere’



2. ‘Difficult to believe’


3. “mUh gUnS!!!”


4. ‘Do You Consider This A Human Being?’


5. ‘They are turning the fricking lions gay…’


6. ‘Well you’re not wrong’


7. ‘How is this possible’


8. ‘But He Needed That Medication’


9. ‘I never thought of that’


10. ‘That’s the point of the book’


11. ‘Let’s Go Spend 10k On Jewelry’


12. ‘Seems legit?’


The post 23 next-level facepalms from the ‘gallery of inexplicable stupidity’ on Reddit appeared first on The Poke.

Source: ThePoke