Simply 9 of the funniest and most brutal takedowns of the week

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If you like a good comeback then you’ve come to the right place, 9 of the funniest and most brutal takedowns that went viral over the last seven days.

They’re not all to do with Elon Musk, honest.

1. ‘Yes officer, that comment right there’



2. ‘This is my favourite exchange in the Joe Lycett replies’


3. ‘Thread on young people’s views on Britain’


4. ‘The need is not for new depression drugs but …’


5. ‘Lyle Ruleth’


6. ‘You guys wanna see a dead body?’


7. “Your dad did create you” damn 💀


8. ‘MuRiCa iS tHe OldEsT AnD BeSt EvEr!’

9. ‘Does this count as work?’



Simply 9 fabulous times Mick Lynch gloriously owned Tory MPs and his media inquisitors

Source Reddit r/MurderedByWords

The post Simply 9 of the funniest and most brutal takedowns of the week appeared first on The Poke.

Source: ThePoke