In the last week, we could read about tremendous advancements in technology and artificial intelligence, thanks to the commencement of this year’s World Economic Forum Annual Meeting. In order to keep you updated with all of these captivating developments, we’ve gathered a selection of must-read articles from WEF that everyone should be aware of.
Copyright: – “Hottest Topics at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting – SwissCognitive AI Radar”
Furthermore, collaboration is key when developing global governance standards around technology-based solutions – both between public entities such as governments and just as importantly, between private industry players too, so that all parties understand each others’ aims before establishing any rules or regulations regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence technologies. Above all else, trust must be at the core of our relationship with systems which contain AI elements inside them if any kind of progress is to ever occur on a wider scale over time.
Have a look at SwissCognitive’s first AI Radar article collection of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting.
Der Beitrag Hottest Topics at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting – SwissCognitive AI Radar erschien zuerst auf SwissCognitive, World-Leading AI Network.
Source: SwissCognitive