Taylor Swift’s Blank Space has been shittyfluted and – well, we’re sorry

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If you’ve ever been near a beginner recorder orchestra – or even heard just one new player practising – you’ll understand the vibe of the shittyflute YouTube account.

Previous shittyfluted songs include Seal’s Kiss From a Rose, Billy Eilish’s Bad Guy and the Bee Gees’ How Deep is Your Love, if you were wondering how broad their range has been, but their latest might just be our favourite.

They added this relatable comment –

If anything is a blank space, it’s my brain after making this.
brothers and sisters in shit, I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

Here are a few things YouTube users had to say about it.

You can almost hear the lyrics. Like a midi piano from hell. Good job.

Stunning, inspiring, breathtaking, all of the above. Truly the most beautiful piece I’ve ever heard. Brought tears to my eyes.
I literally have no idea what is happening ever

It’s not something we wanted, it’s something we needed.

Gjarne Yandoc is clearly a Swiftie.

This is my favorite song but today you made it even better. 👍

We really hope she reacts to it like she did to the screaming goat ‘singing’ Trouble.

Source Shittyflute Image Screengrab

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Source: ThePoke