This Tinder chat was going nowhere fast and got just the payoff it deserved

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Latest in an occasional series, Tinder takedown of the day goes to this exchange which went viral after it was shared by BigPuns who said: ‘A Cage match, but my back gave out.’


Can’t say they didn’t deserve it.

‘You said more words in your first message than her across the whole conversation.’

‘Yeah, I don’t understand this, lol. As a woman myself who always tries to make sure the convo stays interesting, what is the point if you’re just not gonna put in effort and idk….actually hold a conversation.’

‘Usually I take it as a sign they aren’t interested, but one time I gave up and stopped messaging this girl who was giving me absolutely nothing and never initiated anything and like a week later she messaged me like “why did you ghost me 🥺

‘Genuinely don’t understand what she thought would happen.’

Good old Tinder.

Source Reddit u/BigPuns

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Source: ThePoke