This 58 seconds of Demetri Martin’s comic genius is a little gem

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We remember enjoying Demetri Martin’s BBC telly special off the back of his Edinburgh Perrier award win back when it was still called the Perrier, and we’re shocked and appalled to discover it was 20 years ago.

While we attempt to recover from that revelation, enjoy this 58 seconds of the great man’s comic genius which has been going viral on Reddit (and got us thinking about him in the first place today).

by u/AtomicShart9000 in Unexpected

Just in case that’s tricky to watch, here it is again from Facebook.

And it got people sharing the Demitri love.

‘My kind of humor. Simple yet hilarious.’

‘Exactly. No yelling. Just simple, clever dialogue.’

“I bought one of those L-shaped couches… lower case.”

“Someone waved at me the other day. Then they walked up and said ‘Sorry, I thought you were someone else.’

‘I said ‘I am.’”

‘One of my all-time favorite comedians. This show is so underappreciated!’

And just in case you were wondering …

‘Show is Important things with Demetri Martin. Underrated show from the early 2000s. F-king hilarious imo.’

Lots more Demetri here!

Source Reddit u/AtomicShart9000

The post This 58 seconds of Demetri Martin’s comic genius is a little gem appeared first on The Poke.