Bad day? Could be worse, you could be trying to carry two tubs of marinara sauce at the same time

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To be filed under ‘Bad day? It could be worse …’ comes this, a video which goes from ambitious to unfortunate to pure slapstick comedy gold in nine seconds flat.

‘There was an attempt … to carry 2 containers of marinara sauce at the same time,’ said PacmanTheHitman who shared it over on Reddit.

To carry 2 containers of marinara sauce at the same time
by u/PacmanTheHitman in therewasanattempt

Mega ooof.

‘I’m sorry, but that is some Looney tunes shit.’

‘Id just walk home.’

‘That second bucket was out to get him.’

‘That perfectly timed splash is what got me laughing.’

“I don’t know who spilled all that marinara sauce, honest” while his entire face is covered with sauce.’

‘I used to think sitcoms could never happen in real life.’

‘I feel like this kind of thing happens to him all the time.’

‘I feel so bad for laughing at this. But damn that is a shitty day.’

Source Reddit u/PacmanTheHitman

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