The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is on sale for Prime Day

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A worthwhile Zelda deal has dropped. | Image: Nintendo

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has been dominating the gaming zeitgeist since its release in May, but it’s finally time for a wave of patient deal hunters to descend on Hyrule. Amazon and Walmart are now discounting the Nintendo title that normally runs $69.99, selling it for $51.99. Full disclosure: both deals are through a third-party seller, but that doesn’t give me too much cause for concern given they carry mostly positive ratings and are fulfilled by the retailers.

There has been a way to get the digital version of the game for cheaper this whole time, but if you prefer a physical cartridge for your Nintendo Switch games, this deal is the way to go. Though, if prior Zelda discounts are anything to go by (as few as there have been), these deals will not stick around long.

Screenshot from Tears of the Kingdom featuring Link, a blond-haired slight build man, falling through the sky as Hyrule unfolds below him.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

26% off

Tears of the Kingdom is the latest installment in the Zelda franchise. The storyline and gameplay are similar to Breath of the Wild’s, but enough has changed to make Link’s return to Hyrule plenty special.