These Are The Biggest Pet Peeves That Break Up Relationships

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What annoys you in your relationship? Is it that your partner leaves their shoes at the bottom of the stairs so you fall over them every time you go up? Perhaps they make a really annoying sound when they chew?

After a certain amount of time in a relationship, our partner’s unique quirks can start to… grate a bit.

And a lot of the time, we can overlook annoying habits (or make comments until they stop doing it), but there are certain deal-breakers that some people just can’t ignore.

And top of the list is poor personal hygieneaccording to a new study by Hammonds Furniture.

The research, based on a poll of 2,000 adults in the UK, also showed that people would strongly consider breaking up with a partner over habits such as vaping or smoking and nose picking.

The top annoying habits that the survey found would cause a breakup:

  1. Poor personal hygiene,
  2. Vaping or Smoking,
  3. Nagging,
  4. Nose picking,
  5. Chewing loudly or with mouth open,
  6. Snoring,
  7. Avoiding household tasks,
  8. Talking negatively about the in-law’s family,
  9. Obsessively watching sports,
  10. Using expensive items of mine such as soaps and shampoo.

What to do if your partner has an annoying habit? 

So, how to tackle difficult conversations between you and your partner when they’re doing things that drive you up the wall – especially when it’s relating to more sensitive topics, like personal hygiene?

Firstly, it’s important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about their bad habits, says relationship coach Billy Reid. “This means expressing your concerns without being judgmental or critical,” he says.

You might want to approach things from an “I feel” standpoint, he suggests.

“Focus on how their behaviour makes you feel and the impact it has on your relationship. By doing so, you can work together to find a solution that addresses the issue while maintaining a positive and supportive dynamic.”

Setting boundaries is important, as is establishing clear expectations around certain behaviours, he says.

“For example, if your partner has a habit of leaving dirty dishes in the sink, you could agree to take turns doing the dishes or establish a rule that dishes must be washed immediately after use,” he suggests.

“By setting these boundaries together, you can create a sense of accountability and ensure that both parties are working towards a common goal.”

And if you’ve tried all of this and your partner’s bad habits are truly a complete deal-breaker for you, then calling it quits is probably the best option for everyone involved.