Peace building evolves in Southeast Asia as Artificial Intelligence empowers women to transcend barriers and enhance security initiatives.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the extent to which women peacebuilders use ICTs and digital solutions to support their work. Although gender biases in these technologies hinder equal and safe online engagement, digital peacebuilding and online civic engagement are venues for increased opportunities for women peacebuilders to advance their work. Digital solutions will play important roles in several key peacebuilding areas. This brief outlines some of the challenges and opportunities that AI carries for the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security agenda in Southeast Asia.
AI and gendered security risks
AI refers to the use of computer systems to mimic human thinking, behaviour and decision-making processes. This may include everyday technologies such as voice-powered virtual assistants, predictive text functions and search and recommendation algorithms on our personal devices. While the rise of AI has the potential to revolutionize numerous functions across societies, concerns are emerging as AI systems have been shown to perpetuate discriminatory practices with serious implications for gender equality, human rights as well as human and national security.[…]
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Der Beitrag From Warfare to Peace building: Employing Artificial Intelligence for Women, Peace and Security erschien zuerst auf SwissCognitive, World-Leading AI Network.