2024 elections: No strong candidate for my vote – Wanluv the Kubolor

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2024 elections: No strong candidate for my vote - Wanluv the Kubolor


Revolutionary artiste, Emmanuel Owusu Bonsu, popularly known as Wanlov the Kubolor, says he does not feel there is a strong candidate worth voting for in the upcoming 2024 general elections.

The musician who said he has not partaken in any of Ghana’s electoral processes stated that he sees voting as a mere fun participation, because candidates keep saying the same things without making real changes.

He believes they are all the same, mainly interested in getting contracts rather than making things better.

Speaking on the AM Show, he mentioned that the country’s leaders are not effectively addressing issues, particularly the poor quality of road repairs due to the use of substandard tools.

He stressed that the Tema Motorway, meant as a major highway, should never undergo repairs with subpar tools and materials.

“The road is in bad condition now and is still not fixed.

“The leaders are not thinking about the roads, they’re just thinking about contracts, because if they want a road that will last and serve Ghanaians, they will be thinking about concrete.”

He emphasized that the candidates that often come forward to be elected into office are of the same mold, essentially aiming to trade contracts for the continuation of existing issues.

”The candidate and the people we usually have as options are the same kind of people who are like basically just going to exchange contracts on the same things going on.

“I don’t feel there’s a strong option to vote for.”