Thursday’s letters: Will UCP promote HPV vaccine?

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Check your BMI
The UCP government is advancing $20 million to support research on cervical cancer and other women’s health issues. As cancer of the cervix is a preventable disease caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) and, as there is a vaccine that is highly effective at preventing HPV infection and cervical cancer, is it possible we will hear the UCP government promote the use of a vaccine? No, I must be dreaming.

Trevor Theman, Edmonton

Minister may regret Bill 20 remarks

Roberta M. Van Wyk has it exactly right; Mr. McIver’s answer, when responding to an important and legitimate question in regards to Bill 20, was indeed “insulting” and, in my opinion, also unmistakably tinged with tones of arrogance and disdain towards those whose favour he has to ask for come re-election time.

The wise man keeps such matters in mind when responding to constituents, lest he find himself on the outside looking in. Politicians treat their voters’ concerns with disrespect at their electoral peril.

Robert McDonald, St. Albert

Bikes allowed on select sidewalks

Bylaw 5590, which is quoted, must be 50 years out of date as I have lived in Edmonton for 30 years and riding my bicycle on many city sidewalks which have been designated as part of the bicycle trail network.

I am looking at my bicycle map now and see that the sidewalk which starts at 119 Street and runs along 34 Avenue to Mill Woods is such a designated bicycle trail. There are many more such designated sidewalks, but people in Edmonton live with this simplistic notion that bicycles cannot be ridden on sidewalks.

Regrettably, the city does not keep the bylaws up to date to conform to reality and, as a result, I have had pedestrians try to physically knock me off my bicycle for riding on sidewalks that are designated bicycle trails. Because the city fails at updating and educating, big time, many altercations result between riders and pedestrians that need not take place if people were better informed. Rather than providing bicycle purchasers with an out-of-date bylaw, maybe a city bicycle trail map would make more sense, but only if it is up to date.

Ralph Williams, Edmonton

Plan, prepare, wait for rail line

Re. “Alberta seeks partner for rail plan,” April 30

Start the basic planning now, doing the initial steps which have to be taken, like: route, land banking and looking at some success stories of similar ideas across the world. Then wait and wait, perhaps for many, many years until it becomes viable and not another boondoggle

Henry Heuver, Calgary

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