A CCTV camera has been damaged close to the new Corporation Street bus gate.
The black column and camera appears to have been driven into.
Lancashire County Council said the camera was not connected to the bus gate and is the property of Preston City Council.
Read more: Corporation Street bus gate branded ‘absolute farce’ and ‘should be reversed’
A spokesperson for the city council confirmed to Blog Preston they are planning to replace the damaged CCTV camera.
They said: “We have been liaising with the surveillance hub and there is a plan in place to replace the column on Corporation Street this week. It is our priority to ensure this is done safely as it has a power supply to the column.
“The replacement has no link to the bus lane enforcement and is provided for the benefit of the community to keep the public safe.
“We don’t have information to identify how the damage occurred but believe that it may be accidental and ask the person responsible or anyone who witnessed the incident in which the column to come forward.”

The camera post has been removed during Wednesday (12 June) leaving behind just a stump.
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