Singapore Airlines passengers found out about compo offer on Facebook

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Two Australian passengers injured on flight SQ321 say they found out what compensation they were entitled to through a Singapore Airlines Facebook post, and say the offer isn't enough.

Keith Davis and his wife Kerry Jordan from Adelaide are among those who were injured on the flight that hit extreme turbulence last month.

Jordan's spine was broken and she's still in hospital, paralysed from the chest down.

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Two Australian passengers injured on flight SQ321 say they found out what compensation they were entitled to through a Singapore Airlines Facebook post, and say the offer isn't enough. Keith Davis and his wife Kerry Jordan from Adelaide are among those who were injured on the flight that hit extreme turbulence last month.


Her husband said the airline's offer of compensation has only left the couple in more distress.

"I'm actually not on Facebook, so when this was circulated to me it was a bit of a shock," Davis said.

Singapore Airlines announced yesterday it'll offer around $15,000 to those with minor injuries and $37,000 to seriously injured passengers.

It's a sum that Davis says doesn't make up for the life-altering event.

"At this stage it is a catastrophic injury," he said.

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Two Australian passengers injured on flight SQ321 say they found out what compensation they were entitled to through a Singapore Airlines Facebook post, and say the offer isn't enough. Keith Davis said the airline's offer of compensation has only left the couple in more distress.

"It is a totally life-changing condition that's going to face her."

"I expect that they will provide adequate compensation for the whole of Kerry's life."

An international team of lawyers is now banding together to fight for better compensation.

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"This offer of Singapore Airlines adds insult to injury. Not only is it woefully inadequate but the way that Singapore Airlines has gone about this is pretty shabby," lawyer Nick Xenophon said.

Lawyers expect they'll learn more about the facts of the investigation to form their case in the next couple of months.

Singapore Airlines has been contacted for comment.