Police make direct appeal for missing man who has links across Preston and South Ribble

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Damon Holding Pic: Preston Police

Police say they are growing increasingly concerned for a missing man from Blackpool who has links across Preston and South Ribble.

Damon Holding was last seen around 8pm on Sunday 30 June at Carol Island.

The 29-year-old is white, 6′, medium build, has short blond hair and a beard.

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He was last seen wearing a black Berghaus tracksuit and black trainers.

Preston Police say they are concerned for his welfare and he has links to Preston and South Ribble.

Police have made a direct appeal to Damon himself saying: “If you see this appeal Damon, please get in touch to let us know you are okay.”

Anyone who sees Damon or knows where he could be should call 101 quoting log 1340 of June 30.

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