Women of Aviation Worldwide Week: Helping to balance a global movement for equal gender representation in aviation, Elevate Aviation has
Category: World
UAE, Egypt and Jordan condemn drone attack against oil refinery in Riyadh
The UAE, Egypt and Jordan on Friday condemned the drone attack that targeted an oil refinery in Riyadh and reiterated
Ceylon Petroleum Corporation announce fuel price hike
Colombo, March 12 (newsin.asia) – The Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC) has increased retail fuel prices per litre. The move came
Review: Humour helps deep understanding of cultural conflict in Cottagers and Indians
Let the battle of Otter Lake begin! Read More Source: EdmontonJournal
Ukraine says Russia is relying on conscripts and mercenaries
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Friday declared that Ukraine had reached a strategic turning point in its fight with Russia, which
Pi day: a brief history of our fascination with this magical number, from pies to ‘piems’
Oksana Mizina/Shutterstock Imagine a cup of tea. Wrap a piece of string around the circumference of the cup, and measure
Sri Lanka and India sign agreement to develop a solar power plant in Sampur
Colombo, March 11 (newsin.asia): Sri Lanka and India on Friday signed an agreement to develop a solar power plant in

Stoltenberg says Ukraine must not become ‘full-fledged’ NATO war with Russia
NATO must not allow Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to spill over into a war between the alliance and Moscow, its

Growing Things: Vertical growing is a space saver
A vertical garden can be achieved with several approaches, plastic grids on a frame are just one option. Photo by
Ask or aks? How linguistic prejudice perpetuates inequality
Teacher and artist Sunn M’Cheaux has been posting on social media about “linguicism” after a reader asked him about the