Power has been cut off to the Kejetia Market in the Ashanti Regional capital for over one week, affecting trading
Tuesday’s letters: Downtown still feels like home
Re. ” ‘Meet Me Downtown,’ mayor says,” May 10 Read More
Nigerian Gospel Singer, Bisola Akinwumi Speaks On Music Career, Upcoming Album

Nigerian fast-rising singer, Bisola Akinwumi Grace, will on Sunday, June 18, 2023, launch her long-time album titled ‘Ile-Oba’, an inspirational project aimed at bringing people to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. During an exclusive interview with Naija News, Bisola spoke extensively on her journey into music, the choice of her brand manager, and role models […]
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Officer critically injured in SA stabbing released from hospital
Brevet Sergeant Ian Todd, one of the two police officers stabbed during a "horrific" attack in the South Australian town
Is Robert De Niro Hotter Than Al Pacino? Twitter’s At Horny War Over This Poll
Young Al Pacino and Robert De Niro It is a truth universally acknowledged that a Twitter user in possession of
Lankan envoy in India presents Sinhala translation of Quran to Saudi Ambassador
New Delhi, May 16: As part of his efforts to enhance dialogue with Heads of Mission of Islamic countries in

Samsung admits defeat and reportedly inks deal for LG’s OLED TV panels
Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge Samsung has reportedly signed a deal for LG’s OLED TV panels. Reuters reports

Interviewing Serena Williams: My reflections – Nathaniel Attoh
Serena Williams hit the headlines again after her appearance at the recently held Met Gala in New York in the
‘Irrational behaviour’: Witness in Beryl Musila murder trial says she acted strangely at party where she allegedly left senior’s body
Austin Vanderkooi had never met the woman before the party that night, but found her behaviour out of the ordinary.

Daniel Adebayo: Nation-Building is The Roadmap to a New Nigeria
In the days building up to the last elections, one very common litany among the leading presidential candidates was “A