This immaculately trained guard dog is an incredible and rather moving watch

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Maybe it’s just been (another) long week but there was something about watching this superbly trained guard dog in action that got us feeling just a little bit emotional.

It was shared on the subReddit ‘next level’ and rarely has a video been more deserving of that title.

‘Very well trained dog,’ said HildeWaddell and they’re not kidding, they’re really not.

Just amazing, as they used to say on ITV back in the day.

‘When the dog walks away like “this has been a really fun experience everyone, thank you.”

‘Well done everyone, let’s take 5 to lick our assholes.’

‘My dog just ran head first into a mirror because he thought it was another dog. The impact even caused him to fart.’

‘Insane. That guy’s body language fooled me a few times and when we really went for her I was caught off-guard. Guess I’ll never grow up to be guard dog …’

And just in case you were wondering …

‘This guy is an amazing dog trainer. He’s out of Ft. Worth, TX. His name is Stan Smith. He trained my German Shepherd and is very good with communicating with all types of dogs from basic obedience to guard work and drug searching.

‘He travels all over to compete in competitions with other law enforcement agencies. Nice ass dude too. He’s been on America’s top dog twice and even won too.’


This tale of belated revenge for an unfair dismissal is simply delicious

Source Reddit u/HildeWaddell

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Source: ThePoke