Pedro Sanchez

Argentina’s Javier Milei slams Spain’s Pedro Sánchez after minister’s drug use jibe

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Argentinian Prime Minister Javier Milei accused Spain’s Socialist government of endangering the middle class with policies “that only bring poverty and death” after a Spanish minister intimated Milei may have been on drugs while campaigning for office.

“Pedro Sánchez’s government has more important problems to deal with, such as the corruption accusations leveled against his wife, an issue that even led him to consider resigning,” Milei wrote in an official statement from the Office of the President of the Argentine Republic that was posted on the institution’s official X account.

The row between Buenos Aires and Madrid started after Spanish Transport Minister Óscar Puente suggested on Friday that Milei had been under the influence of drugs during TV appearances.

Milei, a self-styled right-wing libertarian, also lashed out at  Sánchez’s deals with Basque and Catalan separatists, saying the Spanish prime minister had “endangered the unity of the Kingdom, making pacts with separatists and leading to the dissolution of Spain.”

He added that illegal immigration in Spain was threatening women’s safety.

The Spanish government on Saturday categorically rejected Milei’s claims, saying they “do not correspond to the relations of two brother countries and peoples.”

Relations between Spain and Argentina have chilled since Milei’s election last in December. The Argentine leader had publicly supported Spain’s right-wing opposition party Vox.

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