X stops showing headlines because Elon Musk thinks it will make posts look better

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Twitter’s “X” logo on a purple and blue background
Illustration: The Verge

X, formerly Twitter, is no longer showing headlines on articles shared on the platform. Instead, X is only showing the article’s lead image and the domain it will link you to.

You can see the differences between the new version of link previews in the X iOS app and the old version on the web in this comparison image I stitched together:

Screenshots by Jay Peters / The Verge
Screenshots comparing the new X link previews on iOS (left) and the old versions on mobile Safari (right).

I also made a post on X to demonstrate what’s going on.

Screenshot by Jay Peters / The Verge
A screenshot of my post on X on iOS. There’s no headline under the image, but there is a small text box indicating…

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